Stewardship 2025-2026 — This year’s theme is “Stronger Together”

During the spring, UUCM conducts its annual drive when we make pledges to financially support our beloved congregation.

  • MAKE YOUR PLEDGE for the 2025-2026 year by completing and submitting this form.
  • Open the brochure to learn more about the importance of pledging to UUCM.

Planned Giving

  • Starting in 2018, the IRS has declared that charitable donations made from one of your tax-deferred accounts will be exempt from taxation up to $100,000 as long as the distribution comes from a qualified account and is donated to a charity that meets the IRS stipulations.
  • Please consider a gift or bequest to the UUCM Trust. Your gift would help ensure the continued presence of UUCM regardless of what the future brings.

Donation Options

No matter how you choose to donate to UUCM, please indicate how you wish your donation to be applied, using the following options.

  • Pledge
  • Plate Share
  • Plate Organization Only
  • Operating Budget
  • Endowment
  • Building Fund
  • UUA Dues

In the case of a Memorial Gift, please indicate how you wish the gift to be applied by choosing one of the above options.

Several of the following choices allow you to specify a recurring donation, for example, weekly or monthly.

Click on one of the titles below to read the details for each choice:

  • Send a check payable to UUCM via regular USPS mail to:
    UUCM, 20 Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055
  • Indicate in the memo line of the check what the donation is for, and how it should be applied, using one of the above options.
  • Go to the VANCO donation form, where you can directly specify the options listed above.

Donations via Text use:

There is no setup required on your part. You merely use text messaging to initiate the donation.

Please note that, currently, donations via text messages are limited to the shared plate.

First, go to your text messaging on your mobile phone and
send “PlateShare” (not case sensitive) to 44-321:

Once you have sent your text message, you will see, after a short delay, something like:

Click on the secure link, and it will take you to a web page that looks like this:

Choose the amount you wish to give, and whether you wish to make it a one time only or monthly donation, and then click on Continue. That will bring up the following form:

Choose your preferred donation option (bank account or credit card) by clicking on the choice, and then fill in your details and complete the transaction.

Thank you for donating to UUCM!

  • If you have a Paypal account, you can give to UUCM the same way you would use PayPal to pay any other organization.
  • If you do not have a Paypal account, you can still use this button to donate using your credit or debit card.

Click on the following button to go to Paypal and donate.

  • Go to your bank, or its bill payer online page, and set up to send money to UUCM to:
    UUCM, 20 Elm Street, Milford, NH 03055
  • If your bank allows it, you can specify a recurring donation, for example, weekly or monthly.
  • Indicate in the memo line of the check or bill payer payment what the donation is for.