Stewardship 2025-2026 — This year’s theme is “Stronger Together”
During the spring, UUCM conducts its annual drive when we make pledges to financially support our beloved congregation.
- MAKE YOUR PLEDGE for the 2025-2026 year by completing and submitting this form.
- Open the brochure to learn more about the importance of pledging to UUCM.
Planned Giving
- Starting in 2018, the IRS has declared that charitable donations made from one of your tax-deferred accounts will be exempt from taxation up to $100,000 as long as the distribution comes from a qualified account and is donated to a charity that meets the IRS stipulations.
- Please consider a gift or bequest to the UUCM Trust. Your gift would help ensure the continued presence of UUCM regardless of what the future brings.
- Click here for the UUA document that describes the best way to do planned giving in a bequest to the UUCM Trust.
Donation Options
No matter how you choose to donate to UUCM, please indicate how you wish your donation to be applied, using the following options.
- Pledge
- Plate Share
- Plate Organization Only
- Operating Budget
- Endowment
- Building Fund
- UUA Dues
In the case of a Memorial Gift, please indicate how you wish the gift to be applied by choosing one of the above options.
Several of the following choices allow you to specify a recurring donation, for example, weekly or monthly.
Click on one of the titles below to read the details for each choice: