It’s always a good idea to check the Calendar to confirm that the event has not been cancelled or changed.
Participate in Sunday Services
On Sundays from September through June, congregants are encouraged to participate in/help with various aspects of the service that we all enjoy. Sign up to be a Worship Reader, Garden Door Greeter, Bring Sunday Snacks, Help with Coffee Hour setup or cleanup, and Take the Collection. Your help will be truly appreciated by the Worship Team and Hospitality Committee. Sign up here.
Crafts Group – Mondays, 9:30am
Creating beautiful crafts throughout the year to sell at the annual Holiday Fair in early December. We are always welcoming new crafters. Bring your new craft ideas or help produce those we’re working on.
Want to help? Come on a Monday morning.
Community Suppers – 3rd Wednesday, 5:30-6:30 pm

- Provide free meals for individuals and families
- Ease the meal prep burden on busy families
- Allow members of the church and the Milford area community to get to know one another better
- For more details, click here.
Want to help? Send email to
Table Tennis – Monday nights, 6:30-8:30 pm

- Three tables
- Round robin play
Want to play? Enter by the rear door
Community Sing Along – 2nd Thursday, 7-9:30 pm
All are welcome to a singalong and jam session using the Rise Again Songbooks. Instrumentalists and voices of all sorts are welcome! Even you! Songbooks are available, but feel free to bring ten copies of your favorite song lyrics (music or chords optional).We meet in the Fireside Room. Use Garden Entrance or Barnum Hall (accessible) door (during the winter months the front ramp is closed). Come at 6:30pm for potluck snacks and conversation; Sing along starts at 7pm. Check the calendar for details.
Need more information? Contact: Amy Conley
Maintenance Team – Fridays, 9 am – noon
They tackle the seemingly endless list of maintenance and improvement tasks that accompany our lovely, old historic building. And in the nicer weather, they work outside as well.
Want to help? Stop by on a Friday at 11 am, when we break for a snack and discuss upcoming projects. For more information, contact