Rev. Julie Lombard, Minister

Rev. Julie Lombard was ordained a Unitarian Universalist minister in 2016 at the Universalist Unitarian Church of Haverhill in Haverhill, MA. She is a 2014 graduate of Andover Newton Theological School (Masters of Divinity), and holds a Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts from the University of New Hampshire. She has served congregations in MA, NH, TX & VT as a Director of Religious Education, Youth Advisor, Intern Minister, and Minister. She is passionate about multi-generational ministry, prayer, youth ministry, community-building, preaching, and worship co-creation.
She is a wife to Greg and mother of two children – Annie & Ash, and is dedicated to faithfully serving the beautiful and beaten in whatever way that is possible. She is passionate about the transformative nature of church and its capacity to heal our world. Rev. Julie says, “I believe that church’s purpose is to grow and repair the world, and bring hope to all souls”.
Amy Conley, Music Director

Amy Conley is a lifelong student of music and plays piano, guitar, banjo, percussion and more. She has performed and taught music professionally to people of all ages since 1986. As a songleader, instrumentalist and vocalist, Amy enjoys finding meaningful music for our services and community events.
As UUCM’s Music Director, Amy’s responsibilities are to lead our music ministry onward and upward through worship, outreach, and education. Already, Amy has pushed UUCM to thrive in many ways, from bringing new faces to our choir, to reaching out to and working with area musicians to lift up our shared values, and living out this tradition in ways that make our corner of the world a better place in which to live.
Jamie Ferrier, Congregational Administrator

Jamie joined UUCM in August 2015. She attended the University of Vermont, where she received her bachelor’s in mathematics. She has worked in several fields, including medicine, statistical research, and hospitality, in addition to owning her own art business. She spends most of her time with her partner and their children, creating art and gardening. Jamie really enjoys serving the UUCM community.
Sue Wahlen, Custodian

Sue Wahlen has been working at our church since April 2005, keeping UUCM spotless and continually moving furniture to accommodate the many meetings and activities scheduled weekly.
Barbara McKusick Liscord, Minister Emerita

Rev. Barbara served our congregation from 2002 until her retirement in 2017. She initiated a number of events and practices to enhance congregational life at UUCM, including special worship services, programs for children and youth (including educational field trips), the Soul Matters curriculum, Small Group Ministry, various Adult Ed programs, increasing the endowment, property improvements, adding the Shelley Garden property, Green Sanctuary certification, sharing resources with other UU congregations, and actively participating in the Souhegan Valley Interfaith Council.
Olav Nieuwejaar, Minister Emeritus
Jeanne Harrison Nieuwejaar, Minister Emerita

Olav served our congregation from 1976 to 2000. Jeanne, his wife, first served as Director of Religious Education and then was called to co-ministry with Olav for the last years of their ministry together in Milford. Rev. Olav and Rev. Jeanne occasionally lead worship for our congregation and are sometimes available for memorial services and weddings, when our minister is unavailable. Olav and Jeanne served as Co-Interim Ministers in Cambridge, England and at the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock on Long Island. They also served as Co-District Executives for the New Hampshire-Vermont District of the UUA.

Jeanne is the author of The Gift of Faith: Tending the Spiritual Lives of Children, published in 2002 by Skinner House Books. Her most recent book, Fluent in Faith: A Unitarian Universalist Embrace of Religious Language was released in 2012. At the Worship Service on December 2, 2012, Rev. Jeanne spoke about the topic of this book. Copies of Rev. Jeanne’s books are available from the UUA bookstore.