Old-fashioned Fun, Great Fellowship, Tranquility
Our Annual Ferry Beach Weekend, Every September
Information about registering, here.
As summer comes to a close, UUCM members and friends of all ages gather at Ferry Beach in Saco, Maine for the weekend. Located in a beautiful beach setting, Ferry Beach is only a two-hour drive from Milford but is a world away from our everyday work and worries. The weekend is filled with opportunities to deepen old friendships and create new ones.

So Many Things to Do:
- Stroll along the beach
- Swim (or wade!) in the ocean one last time
- Relay stories of summer adventures
- Read or relax on the wrap-around porch
- Share hearty and delicious meals
- Smell the salty air and listen to gulls overhead
- Gather for a service in a grove of tall pines
- Sing songs by the campfire while roasting marshmallows
- Enjoy the hidden talents of friends young and old
- Try a new activity like yoga or painting teeshirts with fish

For some families, attending Ferry Beach has become a multigenerational annual tradition. For others, it serves as their introduction to the UUCM community. This is a very special weekend filled with opportunities for both camaraderie and peaceful reflection.
Ferry Beach Park Association (FBPA) is affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Association and the retreat center dates back to 1901.