Our Lifelong Learning programs are designed to help us live our 3rd and 4th principles: encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations, and a free and responsible search for truth and meaning.

UUCM hosts these opportunities for spiritual growth through programs held at UUCM.  See details and Zoom links for these programs in the UUCM Calendar.

Adult Ed Monthly Series on Zoom

Join us at 4pm on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays every month (except 3rd Wednesdays in November and December to avoid holiday conflicts) for the following programs. Got questions or want to present a 2nd Weds. topic? Contact Nancy Baker

2nd Weds. – Member Presentations on Various Topics
4th Weds. (3rd Weds. in Nov. & Dec.) – Surface of Mystery Series with Nancy Baker
The Alpha & The Omega: A Comparative Look at How Religious Traditions View Creation and the End of Human Time

This year we’ll look at a different religious or spiritual tradition each month and explore its ideas about how the world began and how it will end through the lens of theology, philosophy, mythology, art, and literature. The work of Huston Smith will anchor the comparative theology. The traditions included will be: Primal religions, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Taoism, and Native American perspectives, in that order.

Recordings of these sessions are located here.

Reading for Change

Reading for Change meets monthly to discuss books and issues connected to the seven principles of Unitarian-Universalism. Past selections include The 57 Bus, White Fragility, and Justice on Earth.

You can also join the Reading for Change Facebook page, which will include an entry for each book we read where you can make comments and have a discussion with other readers.

Small Group Ministry

Small Group Ministry (sometimes called Covenant Groups) is a lay-led group of about 8-10 people who meet twice monthly to share their lives and discuss meaningful topics with the opportunity for deeper spiritual exploration and search for meaning. SGM is a wonderful way to forge a deeper connection with members of the congregation. Groups reform each October and members covenant together to meet and support each other for the coming church year. Each group also chooses a small service project to complete.

Some groups may have space for new members during the year. Current meeting places,
times, and facilitators are as follows:

  • David Harris – Mont Vernon – 2nd & 4th Weds, 6:30-8:30pm
  • Linda Higgs & Linda Pellerin – Milford – 1st & 3rd Tues, 2-4pm
  • Nancy Baker – via Zoom – 2nd & 4th Tues., 4-6pm (Time negotiable)

“Writing Your Life – One Story at a Time”
A Group for Memoir Writing Support

Leader: Kristin Rounds

Meets on the 1st & 3rd Sundays, 4:00pm on Zoom

Working from a theme suggested for the next meeting, members write stories from their lives, and share them (or not) with the group when they next meet. Typically, the group opens for new members each fall, but then is closed for the rest of the church year due to the personal nature of the story sharing. 

The Open Door: A Biweekly Tidbit on the Monthly Theme

Want to add a little intellectual stimulation to your week? Every other week you will receive an electronic “tidbit” with a work of art, a poem or short bit of prose, and two essential questions to get you thinking about connections to ideas and other questions. The format will allow you to engage in dialogue on the Tidbit with its creator and other members of the group for two weeks – until that conversation closes and another begins. You may just want to enjoy but not enter the discussion. It’s up to you.  All you do to participate is hit reply (for just me) or “reply all”  and make a comment.

The tidbits are created by Nancy Baker. They are meant to be an online adult education opportunity that links UUs in Milford, Nashua, and Manchester so we can get to know each other better and hear new ideas and voices. You must sign up to receive them and make comments. They are not open to the general public as they are created for a UU adult ed audience. To sign up, contact Nancy Baker.

Worship Committee

Work with others to create Collaborative Worship services.

Transforming Hearts Collective Video Series

Transgender Inclusion in Congregations

This is a six-session course led by Rev. Mykal Slack and Zr. Alex Kapitan that includes lectures and questions for reflection and discussion. This is important work we can do together to grow our understanding and ability to welcome people, affirming the full breadth of gender diversity.

It’s free to watch the series on your own. Just follow these steps:

  • Go to the course page (https://transforming-hearts-collective.teachable.com)
  • Scroll to the bottom and select the $500 option
  • Click “Enroll”
  • On the next page click the red text “Add Coupon”
  • In the box that appears, enter UUMILFORD and click “Apply” (the total will be adjusted to FREE)
  • Continue with enrollment