Every month, from September through June, we and other UU congregations focus on a specific theme.
These are our ‘regular services’
During the summer, we hold services that follow a different format and schedule.
The Schedule for 2024 UUCM Summer Services
This summer, Sunday services will be both familiar and a little different. They will offer opportunities for connection and spiritual renewal, be varied in format or ways to participate, and they will, as always, welcome newcomers.
The Weekly Update will provide the time and location or format for each week.
Here’s the schedule:
- June 16 – Lasting Impressions, Nancy Baker & the Worship Team (10:30am, Sanctuary and Online)
First impressions are important, but perhaps making a lasting impression can help us integrate with new people in deeper ways. How do we value who we are and how do we welcome others into a lasting relationship instead of simply making a first impression. (Today will have a regular worship service format, but be a little shorter in length.)
- June 23 – UUA General Assembly (GA) Livestream (1:00-2:30pm EDT)
In lieu of a service at UUCM, you are invited to view a livestream of the GA Sunday worship service “Weaving Our Lives”. You will find a link to the service as well as a list of speakers and featured musicians at https://www.uua.org/ga/off-
- June 30 – Charlotte’s Web, Rev. Julie Lombard & Erna Johnson (10:30am Fireside Room)
Today’s service will be centered around this timeless classic of rescue and rethinking.
- July 7 – Early summer is a sensory experience. We feel more keenly and let ourselves go in the warmth and wisdom of nature. Enjoy 20 minutes of meditation and music in a video that moves your mind and senses along with it. You can watch the video anytime over the following week. The video will be accessible starting at 7am on July 7th. Click here to watch it.
- July 14 at 9:30am in the Fireside Room – Assumptions — We all make them, but we also judge by them. This simple conversational summer service gives you a chance to check in with others and talk about the tendency to judge before you really know someone or something.
- July 21 at 9:30am in the Fireside Room – Being patient is the greatest gift you can give when others need support and connection. This service will center around a discussion to help us slow down and wait for what will come. We feel enriched when we can just be patient with the process and people.
- July 28 at 9:30am in the Fireside Room – Trust is precious in our country’s divided atmosphere. How do we trust others? Why would they trust us? The answer is in being together and finding the pathways to connection that lead to trust. Let’s discuss how we can build trust in a collaborative way, rather than a combative one.
After the service we will watch the live stream from the Monadnock Lyceum as our Music Director, Amy Conley, offers the ingathering music for that service.
- August 4 at 10:30am – Join us on Zoom for a brief discussion of today’s Monadnock Lyceum topicand then watch the livestreamed program together. Laurie R. Shaffer will be talking about the Deaf Community, reminding us that the deaf are often invisible and labeled first by what others consider a disability.
- August 11 at 10:30am – Join us on Zoom as we watch today’s Monadnock Lyceum program. Peter Zheutlin will tell us how he went from being a reluctant pet owner to an advocate for canine rescue. His yellow lab, Albie, changed his life, leading him to discover how rescuing dogs from the problem of overpopulation in some areas can end up rescuing those who do this work.
- August 18 at 9:30am in the Fireside Room – “Just do it!” How many times have we backed off from trying something new because we feared we’d fail or that it was dangerous or silly? We’ll use Monty Python as a springboard for embracing the new and silly and spiritually empowering things that we sometimes don’t embrace out of fear or social squeamishness.
- August 25 at 9:30am in the Fireside Room – Life Goes On. We’ll talk about how loss, disappointment, or regret can linger and limit us as we attempt to re-energize and rebuild our lives.
- September 1 – A video Labor Day service that you can watch anytime over the following week. All the work we do is important no matter how we get paid for it. UUCM is one of the beneficiaries of our longing to make a difference. This will be a short, upbeat video to prepare us for the beginning of a new church year.
Click here to view the service. It will become available on Sept 1, 2024, at 7:00am. - September 8 at 10:30am in the Sanctuary An Invitation to Wonder with Nancy Baker and members of the Worship Team who are not at Ferry Beach. It’s that time of starting over – school begins, the election heats up, and we embrace the possibilities of a new church year. We get tense and focus on details when maybe we just need to embrace the wonder of it all. This service is about the potential of wonder to open us up to the essential goodness of what lasts, no matter how we mess it up.
[More summer service details to come…]
For more information, contact the Church Office.
Below are descriptions of our upcoming regular services. If you see none, that simply means that the descriptions are not yet available.

Seasons End; Our Commitment Continues (In Person and Online)
Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team
Did you know that there is an official Season for Nonviolence? It encompasses the 64 days between the anniversaries of the deaths of Mohandas Gandhi on January 30 and Martin Luther King Jr. on April 4. The Season was co-founded in 1998 by Arun and Sunanda Gandhi and the Leadership Council of the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT). With April 4th almost here, let’s contemplate our commitment to nonviolence. People around the world participate in the Season for Nonviolence by annually pledging to create intentional time to reflect on different forms of nonviolence and how it encourages them to make a difference every day. Join us on this journey where peace is part of our spiritual equation.
This is a Family Sunday service, no children’s programming is offered.
The theme for the month of March is The Practice of Trust.
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071
Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.

Let a Dancing Song Be Heard (In Person and Online)
Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team
Rev. Ric Masten was a “troubadour minister” who performed his music and poetry before congregations throughout the U.S. over a five-decades career. He’s the creator of many books, music albums, and the popular hymn “Let It Be a Dance.” Although he attended a handful of colleges, he never received a degree due in part to undiagnosed dyslexia and hearing impairment. He’s perhaps the only fellowshipped Unitarian Universalist minister not to have graduated from seminary or college. Today we will learn about the joys and sorrows of a music minister still inspiring many today.
The theme for the month of April is The Practice of Joy.
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071
Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.

From Channing to Fahs, the Joy of Religious Instruction (In Person and Online)
Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team
April offers us the birth of William Ellery Channing, the father of Unitarianism in America, on April 7th, and the anniversary of the death of Sophia Lyon Fahs, the mother of Unitarian religious education, on April 14th. We will look at what these towers of wisdom left for us to learn and how we might apply their lessons in our time. Join us for an exploration of faith that is ever evolving.
The theme for the month of April is The Practice of Joy.
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071
Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.

EASTER: From Sprout, Bloom, Birth, and Rebirth (In Person and Online)
Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team
For this Easter that falls just before Earth Day, we will do a special blessing of all things joyfully green and growing. Bring with you an ordinary house plant, some potted bulbs to lift any spirit, or perhaps one of the many Schlumbergeras, including the Christmas Cactus that often flowers on a different holiday. Today we’ll bless our plants that bring us joy throughout the year and thank them for theirpromise of life when we get stuck in our winter woes.
This is a Family Sunday service, no children’s programming is offered.
The theme for the month of April is The Practice of Joy.
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071
Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.

[TBS] (In Person and Online)
The Worship Team
This service will be brought to you by the UUCM Worship Team, who will soon provide details…
This is a Family Sunday service, no children’s programming is offered.
The theme for the month of April is The Practice of Joy.
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071
Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.