A Stable Faith
In the beginning, darkness covered the face of the deep. Then the rushing-breath of life hovered over the waters. Let us breathe together. ~Arthur Waskow
Dear Members & Friends of UUCM,
Welcome to a new church year — and what a year it will be! With so much uncertainty surrounding us, it can certainly feel as though we have been thrust back into a time when darkness covered the face of the deep. We wonder when we will be able to gather in person again, when we will be able to sing together again. We wonder whether our children will go back to school again, and if they do, how long in-person learning will continue before the promised second wave of the coronavirus makes its presence known. We wonder if the November election will be safe and fair. We wonder if those in the highest offices of our land will abide by the outcome of said election if it is not favorable to them. We wonder about the well-being of immigrants to our nation, particularly the children. We wonder about the environment and the state of race relations in our country, and we wonder about the state of things in our world.
With all of this uncertainty, and so much more, we rightly wonder what the future holds. And, all of this wondering can leave us feeling like we are in the deep covered by the dark and being blown about by mighty winds! Which leads us to the question, “How are we, as a community of faith, to respond in this time?”
Arthur Waskow asks us to take our cue from the rushing-breath of life and breathe together. Personally, I believe that is always a good thing to do. So let us breathe… together.
Then, in light of those rushing winds, let us find something to tether ourselves to. Like the sea captains of old in Greek mythology, who tied themselves to the masts of their ships so that the Sirens’ calls would not lead them to jump overboard, we too must seek out ways to bind ourselves to what is eternal so as not to be blown about by the imminent-transient.
At our recent Board Retreat, a lengthly discussion was had regarding the ways in which our Unitarian Universalist faith can help us do just that. So we have decided to allow our seven UU principles be the mast for us this year as we guide and are guided to respond to all the uncertainty around us. If you will covenant to join us in that venture, I believe we can emerge from the current state of disruption emotionally stronger, faithfully mature, and as a vital institution for the greater Milford community.
More on all this to be revealed as the year continues! In the meantime, know that you are loved and you are enough!
Blessings & BIG Love,