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Every Morning a Cheerful Invitation (In Person and Online)

Every Morning a Cheerful Invitation (In Person and Online)

Lynn Coakley and The Worship Team

Today, we’ll hear musings on connecting with nature, even as winter continues. As we begin to see hope for spring, those of us who live with others may crave the silence of the outdoors. Those of us who live alone may welcome the increasing sounds of nature as the sun returns. It is still winter, but we can start to see the signs of spring. Or not… Who knows? We could all be home on Zoom again! One way or another, we will gather for this service on Henry David Thoreau and a person’s relationship with nature through all the seasons.

After Church: Join us at Coffee Hour for Everyone’s Birthday Cakes!

The theme for the month of February is The Practice of Trust.

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071

Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.