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Everybody’s Fight (In Person and Online)

Everybody’s Fight (In Person and Online)

Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team

March is Women’s History month, which inspires us to look at our own UU Herstory. We look to a housewife and mother of five who was an active NAACP member in Detroit and horrified at the violence inflicted upon black protesters seen on television in the 1960’s. She heard of a 4-day, 54-mile walk from Selma to Montgomery to support voting rights, so she packed a bag. Viola Liuzzo told her husband, “It’s everybody’s fight.” She kissed her children goodbye and drove south. She had trust in her ability to help a movement. Hear her legacy and contemplate what your gut tells you to do.

The theme for the month of February is The Practice of Trust.

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071

Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.