Finding Love in the Gift of Mystery (In Person and Online)
Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team
Today, on the morning of Christmas Eve, we will revisit a Christmas Eve story forged in history. In 1941, the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, met President Franklin D. Roosevelt at the White House on Christmas Eve. As war raged around the world, these two leaders stood together to deliver a powerful message that still rings true. Come hear David McCullough’s legacy tale of the spirit of this holiday season as we recall his story, In the Dark Streets Shineth, and discover the power of light in the midst of hard times. Join us as we light the love candle on our Advent wreath to celebrate that Christmas has finally arrived.
The theme for the month of December is The Gift of Mystery
To attend in person:
Masks are optional.
To attend virtually:
Join Service HERE. Meeting ID: 950 7947 9709. Passcode: 017672. To dial in, call: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.
Link will be active starting at 10:15 AM, to allow everyone to log on.