General Assembly Worship (Online)
UUA General Assembly Speakers
Join Unitarian Universalists from across the country for a virtual worship service as part of the annual General Assembly. After worship, the UUCM community will gather for virtual coffee hour.
**NOTE Earlier Time**
Link will be active at 9:45 AM, to allow time to log on.
“Beyond the Water’s Edge”.
These are uncertain and volatile times. These are times that call on us to work towards our collective liberation while also tending to our spiritual needs and caring for others. How do we ready ourselves for what is being asked of us? How do we keep moving even when we don’t feel ready?
You can see the complete Order of Service here.
***If there are technical difficulties with UUCM streaming the service, please stream the service yourself here:
Meeting ID: 911 5923 1616.
Password: 106031.
Dial by your location: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.
***If there are technical difficulties with UUCM streaming the service, please stream the service yourself here: