The Blessing of the Animals (Online)
Rev. Carol Strecker, minister, Sandy Frades, and Nancy Baker & the Worship Team
Please join our virtual service just before 10:30am this Sunday, with Rev. Carol Strecker, Sandy Frades, and the Worship Team as we honor our pets — those who have departed and those that are with us today. Many people have spoken of the support their pets provide during this pandemic. This year, perhaps many more pets can participate from home.
During the remembrance of our departed friends, we will hold up photos of our pet to the camera and use Chat to register their names. During the actual blessing of the animals, you can have your pet by your side (or show a photo) and tell us about your friend.
Meeting ID: 911 5923 1616.
Password: 106031.
Dial by your location: +1 646 558 8656 (New York)
or find your local number here.
****Please note that is a new link, ID and password.