“The New Normal” (Online)
Rev. Carol Strecker, minister
Join our virtual service just before 10:30am this Sunday, with Rev. Carol Strecker as we contemplate how the pandemic has called into question many of our ideas about what’s considered normal. But what is normal, anyway? Is it an objective set of criteria — or just what we get used to? Is it qualitatively and universally positive?
Calling into question what has been considered normal gives us an opportunity to look at societal norms and make some intentional choices about what to retain, what to leave behind, and what to change. What might that “new normal” look like? As part of the service, there will be an opportunity for small groups to discuss such questions.
As Charles Eisenstein writes in his essay titled “Coronation” (find it online): “We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.”
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