Joining the Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Milford is just the beginning of a journey that begins with a commitment to deepening your relationship with yourself, a community of seekers and a tradition rooted in love and service.

  1. The first step on that journey is spending some time in community. Attend several worship services. Come to the Community Supper. Volunteer to be a greeter on Sunday morning. Get to know us and let us get to know you.
  2. UU & YOU. Would you like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism, and how you can get more involved at UUCM? Contact Rev. Julie Lombard by email or by phone at 673-1870×2.
  3. Signing the Membership Book – Joining all those who have gone before, signing the membership book is what makes your commitment official. Read more about the privileges and responsibilities of membership. You may sign the book any time you are ready; either in the Minister’s Study or during a New Member Joining Ceremony held during a Sunday Service. Just let Rev. Julie know when you are ready to sign the book.

There will be opportunities throughout the church year to learn more about UU/UUCM history, the organizational structure of UUCM and the UU denomination, contemporary issues and challenges facing Unitarian Universalism. Look for details in the UUCM newsletter.  Sign up for the electronic newsletter by contacting the administrator (