• Advertising Policy  This   policy specifies the types of events that will be promoted by UUCM and the communication vehicles that will be used in each case
  • Alcohol Policy This policy describes guidelines to be followed in cases where alcohol is served at any UUCM gathering.
  • Bylaws   describe how UUCM is governed.
  • Covenant of Right Relations   describes how we commit to building and nurturing better relationships within our congregation
  • Disruptive Behavior Policy encourages fairness and civility in discourse among those participating in church activities
  • Endowment Policy describes how the UUCM endowment is managed. 
  • Facebook Policy   This document sets forth policies and guidelines for managing the content of the UUCM Facebook page.
  • Food Allergen Policy   This policy is designed to give people the information they need to make safe choices and avoid problem foods.
  • Fundraising Policy   The purpose of this policy is to make use of the abundance of creativity and energy at UUCM
  • Green Sanctuary Guidelines   Guidelines for the purchase of some consumables at church were set forth as part of UUCM’s Green Sanctuary certification.
  • Safety & Ethics Policy   The purpose of this policy is to establish a common understanding around threats to the personal safety or psychological well-being of any child, youth or adult in our community.
  • Sponsored Interest Group this application is to be used for non-profit renters who request to use our space at reduced cost.
  • Who Speaks for the Church   provides UUCM members and Committees with clear guidelines when speaking on issues outside the UUCM.