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In the Aftermath (Online-only)

In the Aftermath (Online-only)

Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team

Rev. Deborah Pope-Lance is an expert who came together with others to contribute to the Alban Institute’s book, When a Congregation is Betrayed: Responding to Clergy Misconduct. Pope-Lance is the only UU among the authors, and she lends her perspective on the distinct task of the afterpastor to restore trust in the person and office of the minister after harm has been done to a beloved community. Afterpastor churches have an uncanny knack for conflict and triangulation, so how does a new minister find a way to be included into serving this kind of community?

The theme for the month of February is The Practice of Inclusion.

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Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 912 9368 9668
Passcode: 949071

Link will be active starting 15 minutes before the service begins, to allow everyone to log on.