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Invitation to Wonder (In Person and Online)

Invitation to Wonder (In Person and Online)

Nancy Baker & the Worship Team

The theme of this service is an Invitation to Wonder, which is both a welcome and an encouragement to begin anew.

The service in the Sanctuary, and on Zoom, is for those people who will not be at UUCM’s annual Ferry Beach Weekend. There will be an in-person-only service at Ferry Beach at the same time.

The theme for the month of September is The Practice of Invitation

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Service HERE. Meeting ID: 950 7947 9709. Passcode: 017672. To dial in, call: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.

Link will be active starting at 10:15 AM, to allow everyone to log on.