May People See (Online)
Rev. Shayna Appel
Join us this Sunday, June 13, before 10:30am with Rev. Shayna Appel as we celebrate the almost centennial anniversary of our beloved UU Flower Communion and remember its origins and meaning.
(This is also the last “regular” service before Summer Services begin at 9:30am on June 20.)
We’ll recall the words of Norbert Čapek of Prague, Czechoslovakia (the father of this ritual). In 1923, Čapek offered these words — but as is true with all real wisdom, the passing of time has not diminished their value: “May peace spread out across all the Earth. Amen.”
Click here to Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 935 0127 2783
Passcode: 106031
The service meeting will be started 15 minutes early, to allow you time to log on.