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Transformed by Shared Ministry (In Person and Online)

Transformed by Shared Ministry (In Person and Online)

Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team

“Shared ministry lives out the affirmation that all people are called to ministry. As members of a faith community, we are invited to serve together in a spirit of mutuality as partners. Working cooperatively, we strive to discover, develop, utilize, and support the gifts of each person and, as responsible stewards, to participate in the ongoing creative and restoring activity in our communities and the world.”

Jean Morris Trumbauer

In 2007, I attended the Northern New England District Governance and Spirituality Workshop in Crawford Notch, NH. I had no idea how attending that weekend workshop would transform me. Fast forward, in 2016 I attended the New England Region Shared Ministries Workshop in Bangor, Maine, where a journey of transformation unfolded after reconnecting with my 2007 Crawford Notch roommate. We typically come together expecting to learn whatever the title conveys about a workshop, but the more meaningful lessons come from being together. Please join us for worship as together we explore the gift of transformation.

Today is a Family Sunday where children can remain in the sanctuary with their parents for the full service.

The theme for the month of March is The Gift of Transformation.

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Service HERE. Meeting ID: 950 7947 9709. Passcode: 017672. To dial in, call: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.

Link will be active starting at 10:15 AM, to allow everyone to log on.