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A Liberation Love Story (In Person and Online)

A Liberation Love Story (In Person and Online)

Rev Julie Lombard and The Worship Team

Rebecca Wong is a mother, but when she’s not mothering, she’s also a relationship therapist and creator of Connectfulness® — a method for restoring connection to the self, others, and the world. We’ll hear her powerful story starring her grandfather, her daughter, and her. She believes we’re taught to think of relationships as if they’re static states of being in connection or disconnection. But they’re ecosystems that move through cycles of closeness, discord, and repair. These normal and necessary seasons end up being the downfall of some relationships because we aren’t taught how to navigate from discord to repair. Come hear the story of a mother’s hug that melted away all worries on this National Hug Day. Join us for worship that dares us to connect with a higher purpose.

The theme for the month of January is The Gift of Liberating Love

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Service HERE. Meeting ID: 950 7947 9709. Passcode: 017672. To dial in, call: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.

Link will be active starting at 10:15 AM, to allow everyone to log on.