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It’s Not Fair! (In Person and Online)

It’s Not Fair! (In Person and Online)

Nancy Baker and The Worship Team

When we were very young we said it’s not fair, meaning it was not fair to us. But gradually we learned that equity and fairness are more about what’s not fair in the world.  Each of us builds our personal consciousness one experience at a time. People don’t see others with their eyes, they see others with their whole life. Can we learn to say yes to those who are different on the outside but very like us in their hopes and dreams?  Can we let go of what’s fair for a few and embrace what is positive and optimistic for everybody?

Today is a Family Sunday where children can remain in the sanctuary with their parents for the full service.

The theme for the month of February is The Gifts of Justice & Equity

To attend in person:

Masks are optional.

To attend virtually:

Join Service HERE. Meeting ID: 950 7947 9709. Passcode: 017672. To dial in, call: (646) 558-8656 or find your local number here.

Link will be active starting at 10:15 AM, to allow everyone to log on.